Training center
Test Lab
Expertise in the field of industrial safety
Non-destructive testing
Mechanical testing
Full name of company | «ARDCON (АРДКОН)» Limited Liability Partnership |
Abbreviated name | «ARDCON (АРДКОН)» LLP |
Legal address | Republic Kazakhstan, Karaganda area, Temiirtau city, Kazakhstan str, 12-17 |
Address of factual location | Republic Kazakhstan, Karaganda area, Karaganda city, Navigational str, 7-2 |
Postal address | M02F3P7, Republic Kazakhstan, Karaganda area, Karaganda city, Navigational str, 7-2 |
Telephone number | +7 +7 (708) 4360630, +7 (7212) 996606 | | |
+7 (708) 9155330 | |
+7 (775) 1525478 |
Tel. +7 (7212) 996606,
Tel. +7 (708) 4360630
M02F3P7, Republic of Kazakhstan,
Karaganda region, Karaganda,
st.Navigational 7, housing 2